Now would be a good time to recap what we have
covered so far in the course.

From days one to six I have learned so much. I
have been able to take each step in my own time.
Those students who want to travel faster can do so.
I must clarify here that although ‘the tasks’ were
listed in days, they usually took me about a week
for each ‘day’. Does that make sense to you?

The Road So Far

1  Choose a suitable domain name
2  Register my domain name with a web host.
3  Install the WordPress blog system
4  Prepare my blog for editing
5  Update the blog settings
6  Write my first blog  – yay
7  Download a theme and then upload it to my blog
8  Set basic settings using the new theme
9  Obtain and install a blog header
10 Download and install plugins
11 Write an ‘about me’ page
12 Add my new page to a menu bar
13 Register for an autoresponder
14 Start creating the first mailing list
15 Edit messages to be sent out by Aweber
16 How to send follow-up messages
or campaign messages
17 Create an opt-in page for the blog

As I have already stated a ‘day’  was almost a
‘week’ in most cases. I would be interested in
knowing how other students managed this. Did
you take longer than a day to complete the tasks?

I couldn’t have achieved any of this without
my coach John Thornhill. Give him a try I
know you won’t be disappointed

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